CALL FOR APPLICATION For the production of short films on the topic “What does BiH mean to you?”

The Sarajevo School of Science and Technology University, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in BiH, announces a CALL FOR APPLICATION For the production of short films on the topic “What does BiH mean to you?”
The call is open to young filmmakers aged between 18 and 35, who are residing in BiH. The application should contain a summary/description of an idea and a mood board for a short film with a running time of approximately 15 minutes, which addresses the question “What does BiH mean to you? The Others”.
This year’s topic would adress the BiH community from the unique perspective of those labelled as Others, their Otherness defined either by the Constitutional definition or simply by sense of belonging to a marginalized community. The spotlight will be put on voices on the margins of political, social and economic sphere, and whose experiences provide a more profound understanding of the challenges to BiH’s European future. One’s belonging to any marginalized group is challenging, layered and often silenced by dominant narratives, rules of majority and laws which neglect minorities under national, gender, social and other categories. All projects seeking to address the complexity of Others, being disregarded in politics, education and culture, but also their uniqueness from different points of view – whether it is those who are denied the right to education or political engagement; those who are unemployed or uninsured; people with disabilities; unprotected migrants of our streets or LGBTQ community members – will be targeted by this Call.
Along with a summary and a mood board, applicants should submit a short biography and their contact information, as well as a letter of intent which will describe their motivation for participating in this project and provide relevant details on the topic and how their project is important or unique.
The call will remain open until 15 May 2022. Late and incomplete applications (that do not contain a summary/idea description and a mood board, biography, motivation letter) will not be considered. The results of the call will be announced on 28 May 2022 on
The selected artists will work on developing their screenplays in cooperation with the production team of the Sarajevo Film Academy (SFA). They will work with the team on developing a budget for their short film as the pre-production, production and post-production will also be carried out by the SFA.
Filming will be organized in Sarajevo, using the capacities of the SFA. Costs of travel and accommodation will be covered for persons arriving to Sarajevo from other towns in BiH in order to work on the project. Editing and postproduction of image and sound will be ensured for each project. All project production costs will be covered by the SFA.
All projects will be completed by 30 October 2022 at the latest. After successful completion of the project, an open screening of selected films will be organized on the premises of the University SSST, along with a panel discussion with the project participants.
Applications should be sent to the following email address: For any additional questions, please contact us via email at or call 033 975 002.




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