The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent: Biti Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage je Nick Cage, tagline je najnovijeg ostvarenja The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (Nepodnošljiva težina golemog talenta, 2022), njegovog filmskog veličanstva Nicolasa Cagea. Zvuči ludo, ali stvarno je tako! Cage glumi samog sebe, doduše jednu verziju sebe, nadahnutu
Doctor Strange 2: Superjunaci su čudni, Doktor je (naj)čudniji
Koliko god je proročki zvučala izjava sada već pokojnog Marvelovog stripovskog maga Stana Leeja, da su stripovi svojevrsne bajke za odrasle, to je na izvjestan način postao i stil kojim Hollywood zgrće ogromne količine novca sa svakom svojom stripovskom adaptacijom.
What was the highlight of the last month for you?
May is a great month to cut back on achievements so far and set new goals. That is why we have decided to share the most important moments from the past month that we achieved together with you. At the beginning
CALL FOR APPLICATION For the production of short films on the topic “What does BiH mean to you?”
The Sarajevo School of Science and Technology University, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in BiH, announces a CALL FOR APPLICATION For the production of short films on the topic “What does BiH mean to you?”The call is open
Ambulance: Michael Bay – Majstor suptilnosti
Koliko god se činilo da je američki reditelj Micahal Bay zastranio godinama snimavši filmove o velikim robotima koji se pretvaraju u automobile i letjelice, popularne Transformerse, njegov povratak u žanr, ako bismo mogli nazvati tako, filmova za zrelu publiku sa