Film Center Sarajevo fulfilled the precondition for putting the laboratory into operation

Thanks to a grant from the Fund of American Ambassadors for the Preservation of Culture with the support of the American Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Film Center Sarajevo continues to equip the depot and laboratory of the former Jagomir Studio.

Installation of the facade has been completed.
Thermal insulation was necessary for the depot and laboratory building.

In the previous stages, the Studio was connected to the water supply, as well as the thermal insulation of the building, the installation of the facade, the roof covering and the equipping of the laboratory, including the distribution and connection of the heating. The completed stages of the work also fulfilled the precondition for putting the laboratory into operation and archiving the film material in the film depot, which required certain thermal and climatic conditions.

Former Studio Jagomir connected water supply after 30 years.

The film material has so far been archived in poor conditions, where it has faced decay due to a leaking roof, very low temperatures in winter and the inability to ventilate the depot. Valuable team members of the Film Center Sarajevo have worked at low temperatures, without clean water and closed off together with films tapes that emit toxic gases dangerous to human health.

Film Center Sarajevo has meet the criteria needed for a proper lab and depot funtion.
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