Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata skupina partizana dolazi u buržoasku porodicu i uči ih nove revolucionarne pjesme. Porodica brzo usvaja nove običaje i principe. Ovo je film o tome šta ostaje od jedne porodice u koju uđe revolucija i šta ostaje od revolucije koja uđe u jednu porodicu.
After the WWII, a group of partisans take lodgings with a bourgeois family who they start teaching new revolutionary songs. The family is quick to take up new customs and principles. The film explores what happens to a family when a revolution enters it, and what happens to a revolution when it enters a family.
Režija / Directed by
Bahrudin Bato Čengić
Trajanje / Running time
1 h 26 min
Originalni format / The original format
35 mm
Digitalni format / Digital format
DV PAL 720 x 576
Scenario / Screenplay by
Bahrudin Bato Čengić, Bora Čosić
Glumci / Cast
Danilo Stojković, Dragan Nikolić, Branka Petrić,
Mija Aleksić, Stole Aranđelović, Milena Dravić,
Erika Druzović
Produkcija / Production Company
Bosna film Sarajevo
Direktor fotografije / Director of photography
Karpo Aćimović
Muzika / Music by
Kornelije Kovač
Scenografija / Scenography
Miodrag Nikolić
Kostimografija / Costume design
Svetlana Mišković
Montaža / Edited by
Vuksan Lukovac