Na plaži morskog ljetovališta pronađen je leš. Osumnjičena je porodica Žaslen. Glavni isljednik, nekadašnji logoraš, smatra da je otac porodice ubica, jer je za vrijeme rata bio komandant koncentracionog logora u Norveškoj. Međutim, njegov mlađi saradnik u istrazi, neopterećen prošlošću svog starijeg kolege, smatra da postoje indicije koje terete i druge članove porodice.
A dead body is found on the beach of a seaside hotel. Chief police inspector, a former prisoner of war, suspects the head of the Zaslen family of murder because he had served as the commander of a prison camp in Norway during the war. The chief’s young colleague, however, unburdened by the experience of war, believes the evidence points to other members of the Zaslen family.
Režija / Directed by
Boško Bošković
Trajanje / Running time
1 h 24 min
Originalni format / The original format
35 mm
Digitalni format / Digital format
DV PAL 720 x 576
Scenario / Screenplay by
Boško Bošković, Egon Günther
Glumci / Cast:
Christine Laszar, Jiří Vrštála, Harry Studt,
Annekathrin Bürger, Vjekoslav Afrić
Produkcija / Production Company
Bosna film Sarajevo
Direktor fotografije / Director of photography
Warner Bergman
Muzika / Music by
Darko Kraljić
Scenografija / Scenography
Harald Horn, Džemal Ćesović
Kostimografija / Costume design
Gerhard Kaddatz
Montaža / Edited by
Christel Röhl Tanović