Studija životnih detalja i reakcija karakterističnih za mentalitet dijela radničke klase koja je čvrsto vezana za selo, ali ipak pokazuje sklonosti za industriju. Film prati rudara Safera Korlakovića i njegovu obitelj koji su napokon ostvarili pravo na dodjelu državnog stana, komentirajući pritom, kritički britko i duhovito, klasnu raslojenost i rad državnih birokratskih struktura.

A study of life details and reactions characteristic of the mentality of a part of the working class that is firmly tied to the countryside, but still shows tendencies for industry. The film follows the miner Safer Korlaković and his family, who finally achieved the right to the allocation of a state apartment, while commenting, critically and wittily, on class stratification and the work of state bureaucratic structures.

Trajanje/ Running time

13 min

Režija / Directed by

Petar Ljubojev

Scenario / Screenplay by

Petar Ljubojev

Originalni format / The original format

35 mm

Digitalni format / Digital format

DV PAL 720 x 576

Produkcija / Production Company

Sutjeska film

Direktor fotografije / Director of photography

Dragan Resner

Muzika / Music by

Nikola Borata-Radovan

Montaža / Edited by

Blanka Jelić

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