Ovo je priča o čudnom i rijetkom prijateljstvu između sedamdesetogodišnjeg Tadeuša Bridžsa, osuđenog da na invalidskim kolicima provodi svoje dane ispunjene dosadom u jednom oporavilištu, i djevojčice Hildi koja je tek navršila šestu godinu.
This is the story of a strange and rare friendship between seventy-year-old Tadeusz Bridges, condemned to spend his boring days in a wheelchair in a convalescent home, and a girl Hilda who has just celebrated the sixth year.
Režija / Directed by
Robert Agnus
Trajanje / Running time
1 h 25 min
Originalni format / The original format
35 mm
Digitalni format / Digital format
Scenario / Screenplay by
Harwey Alan Clich, Robert Angus
Glumci / Cast
Hugh Griffit, Rosemary Nichols, Branka Veselinović, Vuka Marković Dunđerović, Viktor Starčić, Rounie Thompson
Produkcija / Production Company
Bosna film Sarajevo, Kay Lewis Hollywood
Direktor fotografije / Director of photography
Nenad Jovičić
Muzika / Music by
Michael Colicochio
Scenografija / Scenography
Vlado Branković, Džemo Ćesović
Kostimografija / Costume design
Montaža / Edited by
Manja Fuks