Film je priča o sudbini broda razarača i o patriotskoj svijesti mladih oficira mornarice koji, u prvim danima rata, pokušavaju spasiti svoj brod kako ne bi pao u ruke neprijatelja. Poslije objave kapitulacije i poziva na predaju, komandant ne pokazuje inicijativu, a pomoćnik komandanta sarađuje s neprijateljem i nastoji da se brod preda.

The film tells a story of a warship and the patriotism of young navy officers who, in the early days of WWII, endeavour to save the ship from falling into enemy hands. After the country capitulated and a call to surrender was issued, the captain of the warship shows little initiative while his deputy collaborates with the enemy, plotting to hand over the ship.

Režija / Directed by
Alexandre Astruc, Stjepan Čikeš

Trajanje / Running time
1 h 31 min
Originalni format / The original format
35 mm
Digitalni format / Digital format
DV PAL 720 x 576
Scenario / Screenplay by
Meša Selimović
Glumci / Cast
Gérard Barray, Claudine Auger, Antonio Passalia,
Raoul Saint-Yves, Relja Bašić, Branko Školjar
Produkcija / Production Company
Studio film Sarajevo, Les Films de la Boétie
Direktor fotografije / Director of photography
Miroljub Dikosavljević
Muzika / Music by
Pierre Jansen
Scenografija / Scenography
Munib Biser, Vlado Branković
Kostimografija / Costume design
Mirjana Ostojić
Montaža / Edited by
Manja Fuks

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