Neprekidno lutanje čovjeka koji traži vlastiti identitet, nikad ne stigavši do krajnjeg odredišta. Tražeći svoju majku junak ovog filma traži svoj početak, svoj izgubljeni identitet, svoj korijen. Tragajući za ljubavlju kao jedinim ljudskim utočištem, Tomislav Brodarac prolazi kroz žrvanj savremenog društva, čije karakteristike nimalo ne ublažavaju ranjenu psihu. Na kraju, teškoće tog puta potpuno obezvrjeđuju cilj njegova traganja. Vrijednost tom cilju moglo bi dati samo neko drugo, neko novo, neko deveto čudo na Istoku.

Perpetual wandering of a man in search of his identity, with no end in sight. As he looks for his mother, the lead character is looking for his own beginning, his lost identity, his roots. During his search for love, as the humans’ only shelter, Tomislav Brodarac must pass through the grind of modern society which does little to heal his wounded soul. In the end, the hardships of his journey devalue the purpose of his quest. That value can only be restored by some other, new wonder – the ninth wonder of the East.

Režija / Directed by
Vlatko Filipović

Trajanje / Running time
1 h 23 min
Originalni format / The original format
35 mm
Digitalni format / Digital format
DV PAL 720 x 576
Scenario / Screenplay by
Anđelko Vuletić
Glumci / Cast
Husein Čokić, Dragomir Felba, Svjetlana Knežević,
Branko Ličen, Duša Počkaj
Produkcija / Production Company
Bosna film Sarajevo
Direktor fotografije / Director of photography
Miroljub Dikosavljević
Muzika / Music by
Bojan Adamič
Scenografija / Scenography
Ismar Mujezinović
Kostimografija / Costume design
Aleksandra Mandić
Montaža / Edited by
Blanka Jelić

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